Logo of the University of Passau


Support international networking and cutting-edge research for a knowledge- and evidence-based society!

Why support a Fellow or an event? You want to...
- increase your own visibility,
- contribute to overcoming social challenges,
- promote cutting-edge research on a specific topic such as sustainability, artificial intelligence, digitalisation, cultural understanding or migration and benefit from this research,
- support researchers in a specific region,
- contribute to the exchange between science and practice.

Our PICAIS Fellows and participants in PICAIS events have so far come to Passau from all over the world - Australia, Brazil, China, France, Ghana, Great Britain, Iran, Italy, Canada, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary and the USA. This variety demonstrates the international focus of our center and the worldwide networking opportunities!

Meet the Fellows!

You are an alumni of the University of Passau, feel connected to the university, are part of the city or the surrounding area of Passau or you simply want to support the mission of PICAIS. Then there are many ways in which you can do this: Help us with a one-off donation, a regular donation or support a selected research area, a fellow from a specific region or a specific event.

We look forward to receiving your donation:
University of Passau
IBAN: DE52 7405 0000 0240 2512 49
Sparkasse Passau
Purpose: PICAIS, xxx

If you only wish to support a specific subject area, please also indicate one of our following university focus topics under “Purpose”:
- Europe 
- Sustainability
- Digitalisation 

All donors and sponsors are listed on our website and in the PICAIS annual report or recognized in press releases.

If you would like to organise an event with us or have any suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to talking to you and hearing your ideas!

Download our fundraising flyer (German only) here!

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