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Shared Directorship

The directorship, consisting of two professors of the University of Passau, is appointed by the University Executive. The term of the directorship is four semesters. It is responsible in particular for the strategic and conceptual development of PICAIS, for chairing the selection meetings for awarding Fellowships and Event Funding, and for the deployment of the staff working at PICAIS. The directorship regularly submits a development plan to the University Executive and reports on the activities and goals of PICAIS.

Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm
Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm
Room ZB 158
Innstraße 29
Phone: +49(0)851/509-3310
Fax: +49(0)851/509-3312
Consultation hours: Bis auf weiteres per Skype, vorzugsweise Donnerstags 15-16h. Anmeldung unter Angabe der Skype-Adresse (oder Telefonnummer) bitte per Email an michael.grimm@uni-passau.de.
Prof. Dr. Daniela Wawra
Prof. Dr. Daniela Wawra
Room NK 119
Innstraße 40
Phone: +49(0)851/509-2800
Fax: +49(0)851/509-2802
Consultation hours: Nach Vereinbarung

Administrative Office

The directorship is supported by an administrative office. The position of the general manager is filled in agreement with the University Executive. The general manager executes the decisions of the directorship and the board, manages the day-to-day business of PICAIS and reports regularly to the directorship and the University Executive.

The PICAIS office is located at Nikolastrasse 12 (Room 111, 113 & 114) and can be contaced through the general manager, Dr Stefanie Meister (stefanie.meister@uni-passau.de) or by email at picais-office@uni-passau.de.

General Manager

Dr. Stefanie Meister
Dr. Stefanie Meister
Room N12 114
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1123
Consultation hours: Di-Fr vormittags

Student Assistant

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