Date: 19-22 May 2025
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Sandra Huebenthal, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wünsch and Prof. Dr. Christian Handschuh
Partner universities across Europe are conducting research on memory, religion, and cultures of remembrance. Given the strength of these collaborations, now is the ideal time to establish a research network. Our goal for this conference is to bring together innovative ideas in research and teaching. The conference will serve as an important platform for collaboration, enabling scholars from various disciplines and institutions to exchange ideas on the shared topic of religious cultures of remembrance and the unifying methodology of cultural studies. Read more...
Date: 27-28 June 2025
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Karin Stögner and Dr. Arthur Oliveira Bueno
This symposium addresses the intricate interplay between subjectivity and nature, a topic that has become increasingly urgent in light of the ongoing climate crisis. It will examine the profound impact of environmental destruction not only on the physical environment but also on our psychological well-being. The symposium draws on insights from diverse disciplines, including sociology, political science, philosophy, and psychology. Its goal is to reframe our approach to these challenges and discuss strategies for a more just and sustainable future. It will bring together scholars from thirteen institutions across six countries, enhancing the international reputation of the University of Passau and paving the way for future partnerships and funding opportunities. Read more...
Date: 22 - 23 July
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Christoph Barmeyer, Prof. Dr. Luciara Nardon
In view of the ever-increasing number of migrants, emigrants and refugees, it is hardly surprising that many people in today's world are becoming more and more multicultural. This ongoing trend of internationalisation, accelerated by digitalisation, is shaping our societies and the experiences of individuals as they navigate their diverse cultural environments. This symposium therefore aims to explore the challenges and, above all, the opportunities associated with this topic – an emerging field of research with interdisciplinary and cross-border relationships and implications for various other areas within the humanities, social and organisational sciences. Read more...
Date: 31 August - 2 September 2025
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Karin Stögner, Elke Rajal
The biennial mid-term conference of Research Network 31 (RN31) of the European Sociological Association, focusing on "Ethnic Relations, Racism, and Antisemitism," is a highly esteemed event within the international academic community. Passau has been selected as the host city for the next conference in August/September 2025. Read more...