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The PICAIS says goodbye to Fellow Dr. Diana Mistreanu

We would like to thank Dr Diana Mistreanu for her time and commitment during her research stay at the University of Passau. 

| Reading time: 2 min.

We would like to thank Dr Diana Mistreanu for her time and commitment during her research stay at the University of Passau. 

Dr Mistreanu conducted research as a PICAIS Fellow from May to July 2023 and from January to March 2024 at the Chair of Romance Literary and Cultural Studies of Prof. Dr Marina Ortrud Hertrampf. The topic of her research project is: "What is it like to be a Migrant? Emotion and Inner Experience in Shumona Sinha's Migrant and Refugee Narratives".

The aim of the project was to capture the inner experience of migration based on the existing literature of refugees.

The first aim of her stay was to help organise the first international conference on the French-Indian migrant and translingual writer Shumona Sinha. Her work with contemporary stories of migrants and refugees is of great interest for the dynamics of today's Western society. The conference not only offered the opportunity to discuss various aspects of the writer's work, but also to make new professional contacts. Several female professors were invited to give lectures at the University of Passau or to conduct research at the university as visiting academics. In addition, several participants are now working together on various projects or are thinking about collaborating. Overall, the conference was a great success.

The second goal was to publish the first critical volume on Shumona Sinha's work, which is due to appear in 2024. The volume consists of the conference presentations and further contributions by authors who did not take part in the conference. The compilation and editing were planned for the second part of Diana Mistreanu's stay (January-March 2024) and has been successfully completed in recent months.

“The PICAIS provided welcoming and stimulating conditions for creating and sharing knowledge. The support I received during the programme helped me carry out my current research goals, and design new ones in collaboration with other colleagues. The PICAIS coffee talks, where international researchers from different fields share and discuss their work around a cup of coffee, were some of the highlights of my stay.” (Dr. Diana Mistreanu, University of Szeged, Hungary)

We were very pleased to welcome Diana Mistreanu as Research in Residence Fellow and to work with her. We hope that she had a pleasant and enriching stay and that she will come back to Passau soon.

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