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The PICAIS says goodbye to Fellow prof. Dr. Jacek Rak

We would like to thank Professor Jacek Rak for his time and commitment during his research stay at the University of Passau.


| Reading time: 2 min.

We would like to thank Professor Jacek Rak for his time and commitment during his research stay at the University of Passau.

Professor Rak conducted research as a PICAIS fellow from January to March 2024 at the Chair of Computer Networks and Computer Communications of Professor Hermann De Meer. The topic of his research project was ‘Disaster-resilience of Independent Networked Systems’.

Jacek Rak's stay included various activities under the guiding themes of digitalisation, network societies and internet cultures. He started his research stay with a seminar in which the latest research problems associated with the resilience of network systems were discussed on the one hand and joint research activities at the University of Passau on the other. The latter related to the development of adaptive systems for the resilience of independent power grid and communication networks that enable the reliable exchange of information between power grid nodes in scenarios with massive outages. Furthermore, Professor Rak organized a research colloquium entitled ‘Resilience of Communication Networks and Networked Systems: Cost and Benefits’, in which the necessity of investing in the resilience of communication networks was explained to all interested members of the University of Passau. Jacek Rak also led five seminars on selected aspects of resilience of networked systems for doctoral students at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics. The second edition of the book ‘Resilient Routing in Communication Networks’ has been finalized and will be published under the affiliations of the University of Gdansk in Poland and the University of Passau.

Professor Rak was able to achieve all the important goals of his stay. He hopes to achieve further goals during his second stay at the University of Passau from September to October 2024.

We were very pleased to welcome Jacek Rak as Research in Residence Fellow and to work with him. We hope that he had an enjoyable and enriching stay and look forward to welcoming him back to Passau soon.

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