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PICAIS Coffee Talks

The PICAIS Coffee Talk is a vibrant platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. PICAIS Fellows showcase their diverse research projects through concise and engaging presentations, offering a window into the impactful work carried out as part of the PICAIS programme.

These sessions foster interdisciplinary dialogue, spark stimulating discussions, and encourage the open exchange of ideas among experts from a wide range of fields.

By hosting researchers from around the globe, the Coffee Talk creates a unique opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and broadens the scope for collaborative innovation. The global perspectives shared in these sessions enrich the University of Passau's dedication to academic excellence and its commitment to fostering a truly international academic environment.

Upcoming PICAIS Coffee Talk

On July 1 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Professors' Lounge (Mensa building, 1st floor room 254)

PICAIS Fellows will briefly present their research projects; afterwards you will have the opportunity to ask questions and network.

Our Fellows on site are:

  • Prof Dr Hedwig Eisenbarth (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
    Host: Prof Dr Susanne Mayr (Chair of Psychology with a focus on Human-Machine Interaction)
    Research project: AI-based Modelling of Emotion to Understand (Criminal) Behaviour
  • Dr Joshua Furnal (St Patrick's Pontifical University, Ireland)
    Host: Prof Dr Markus Weißer (Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Contemporary Theological Issues)
    Research project: Transforming Identities and Traditions in European Catholic Systematic Theology: A Comparative Study of the Eschatology of Søren Kierkegaard and Karl Rahner
  • Prof Dr Bettina Kemme (McGill University, Canada) 
    Host: Prof Dr Stefanie Scherzinger, Chair of Computer Science with a focus on Scalable Database Systems
    Research project: Legal and Reproducibility Aspects of Sustainable Data Science Systems
  • Prof Dr Claudia Sadowski-Smith (Arizona State University, USA)
    Host: Prof Dr Karsten Fitz (Chair of American Studies/Cultural and Media Studies)
    Research project: Government, Diaspora and Advocacy. Responses to Refugee Migration: Ukrainian Migration to the United States and Germany, 2014-2024
  • Prof Dr José Vicente Vezzosi (National University of Santiago del Estero, Argentina)
    Host: Prof Dr Oliver Hidalgo, Chair of Political Science (specialising in Political Theory)
    Research project: Moral Discourses and Statehood: An Approach to the Rise of Radical Populisms in Europe and Latin America at the Beginning of the 21st Century

We look forward to welcoming you and ask you to register by email to picais-office@uni-passau.de by 20 June so that we can plan catering (coffee/tea and pastries).

Should you not be able to attend but still wish to network with our Fellows, please contact the PICAIS office.

Download the Flyer here.

Past Events

On 5 November 2024, the fifth Coffee Talk took place at the University of Passau, where our current four fellows (Dr Jamie Fairbrother, Dr Oleksandr Fylypchuk, Prof Dr Sandra Leaton Gray and Prof Dr José Vicente Vezossi) presented their current research projects. The event not only provided a deep insight into the current scientific work, but also promoted the exchange between the researchers and the professors of the University of Passau. The event provided an excellent opportunity for networking and the exchange of interdisciplinary topics, from medieval missionary work to current challenges in school pedagogy, and stimulated numerous questions and conversations. The afternoon ended with many inspiring conversations that will surely continue in the coming months.

The fourth Coffee Talk took place on March 19, during which the PICAIS Fellows provided interesting insights into their research work. The Fellows, Prof. Dr. Germano Glufke Reis (Host: Dr. Terese Venus), Dr. Gianluca Grimalda (Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambsdorff), Dr. Oxana Karnaukhova (Prof. Dr. Daniel Göler), and Prof. Dr. Christopher Sims (Prof. Dr. Karsten Fitz), presented their current projects to the researchers of the University of Passau. Two further fellows, Prof. Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova (Prof. Dr. Florian Töpfl) and Dr. Diana Mistreanu  (Prof. Dr. Marina Ortrud Hertrampf), were also available for the subsequent discussion, having already presented their research projects in previous Coffee Talks. They all took advantage of this excellent opportunity to ask each other questions and engage in an interdisciplinary exchange.

The lively participation once again underlined the purpose of the event to promote dialog and work together. We would like to thank our fellows for their inspiring contributions and all those present who took part in this exchange.

On December 6, we hosted another exciting Coffee Talk. The event continued the successful tradition of our previous PICAIS Coffee Talks, at which the PICAIS Fellows presented their current projects. In this context, the participants of the University of Passau gained fascinating insights into the research of the two international scientists Prof. Dr. Hoda Zobeiri (The University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran) and Prof. Dr. Olena Melnykova-Kurhanova (National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine). The attendees actively used the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the interdisciplinary dialog.

The broad participation in this networking meeting once again underlines the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary exchange. We would like to thank our fellows for their inspiring contributions, as well as all participants who made this event so enriching!

On July 24, 2023, the second PICAIS Coffee Talk took place.

Our PICAIS Fellows, Prof. Dr. Alina Kasinska, Prof. Dr. Claudia Sadowski-Smith, and Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Henderson, presented their ongoing research projects to researchers of the University of Passau. These exciting insights opened the door to an interdisciplinary dialogue among representatives from various fields. These connections showcase the breadth of research at the University of Passau and demonstrate how we benefit from collaborative thinking and interdisciplinary cooperation.

We are delighted by the enthusiastic participation in this networking event and thank our PICAIS Fellows for their stimulating presentations.

On May 16, 2023, the first PICAIS Coffee Talk took place.

Our PICAIS Fellows Dr. Nwet Kay Khine, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Piller and Dr. Diana Mistreanu presented their research projects to scientists of the University of Passau and answered questions afterwards.

We are happy about the lively participation at the networking meeting and thank our PICAIS Fellows for their presentations!

Impressions from our past PICAIS Coffee Talks

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