Date: 19-22 May 2025
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Sandra Huebenthal, Prof. Dr. Thomas Wünsch and Prof. Dr. Christian Handschuh
Location: tba
Partner universities across Europe are conducting research on memory, religion, and cultures of remembrance. Given the strength of these collaborations, now is the ideal time to establish a research network. Our goal for this conference is to bring together innovative ideas in research and teaching. The conference will serve as an important platform for collaboration, enabling scholars from various disciplines and institutions to exchange ideas on the shared topic of religious cultures of remembrance and the unifying methodology of cultural studies.
Representatives from 14 institutions, primarily from Central and Eastern European countries, will participate in the conference on-site, along with students from our university who will be supervised by a scholar. The invited participants are asked to deliver a three-part presentation about their context, research, and future interests to facilitate fruitful future collaboration. Therefore, the conference will feature short presentations, get-together events, and open spaces.
The University of Passau, as the initiator and host, will benefit greatly, as it is the natural location and central hub for future projects and the consolidation of teaching and research projects.